Digital Flash-Free Bonding and Practice Management

Kotizacija: 160 €  (PDV uključen u cijenu)
Kotizacija za specijalizante: 128 € (PDV uključen u cijenu)
Kotizacija za studente:  80€ (PDV uključen u cijenu)
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Uplata kotizacije na žiro račun: HR1123400091110523931
Opis plaćanja: 14.- 15.04. + ime i prezime sudionika
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u sudjelovanju s 3M Unitek
Petak, 14.04.2023.

10.00 - 10.25
Registration & Welcome Coffee 
10.25 - 10.30
Welcome and introduction 
10.30 - 11.15
Why Digital Flash-Free Indirect Bonding now? - David Moreno 
11.15 - 12.00
The complete Digital Workflow for brackets placement
(from STL – Standard Triangle Language - file import to final bracket check by doctor) - Isabelle Savoye 
12.00 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.20
Design of the Indirect Bonding tray using Appliance designer Software - Marlyn Van Cutsem
13.20 - 13.40
Printing and preparation of the Indirect Bonding Tray - Marlyn Van Cutsem 
13.40 - 14.00
Digital Indirect Bonding Clinical Part - Isabelle Savoye 
14.00 - 15.00
Economics of Digital Flash Free Implementation in the office - Daniel Díez
15.00 - 16.00
Coffee Break  / Digital Flash Free Bonding Hands-On
(Optional under registration)*  
16.00 - 16.45
Digital Marketing for your practice operations - Darko Slovša  
16.45 - 17.30
Prosthodontics Solutions for Orthodontic patients - Matej Kuliš 
17.30 - 18.00

*Broj mjesta na radionici ograničen je na 25 mjesta. Uzimat ćemo u obzir redoslijed prijava. Prijave se primaju do popune mjesta, a najkasnije do 31.3.2023. 
Predavanja i radionice održavat će se na engleskom jeziku.
u sudjelovanju s Fakultetima iz Ljubljane i Rijeke
Subota, 15.04.2023.

09.30 - 10.00
Registration & Welcome Coffee 
10.00 - 10.05
Welcome and Introduction
10.05 - 11.05
Contemporary diagnostics in ealry treatment of malocclusion - Jasmina Primožič, Maja Ovsenik
11.05 - 12.05
Orthodontic therapy and periodontics - Stjepan Špalj
12.05 - 12.30
Q & A 



Dr. David Fernando Moreno, DDS, MS

Associate Professor (C/T)
Restorative Dentistry (SDM)
3M Scientific Affairs & Education Manager Orthodontic Business EMEA

My passion for orthodontics started 26 years ago when I started working as a Sales Representative for 3M orthodontic products. After carrying out various assignments local and internationally, I was appointed Head of Marketing Operations for Europe. I currently have the privilege of leading the 3M education for orthodontics in Europe. Every post has come with different challenges and achievements and I feel blessed to have enjoyed every post within 3M orthodontics. I am particularly passionate about my role within 3M orthodontic education. Through education, we discover trends in the market, what our clients require and how they would benefit from new products, we educate our customers on appropriate and successful use of our new products, and we create a community of bringing not just orthodontists together but also the orthodontists and us as 3M product manufacturers together. These are the reasons that make me feel so passionate about my existing role.

  • Advanced Prosthodontics Program, The Ohio State University

  • Masters in Science, The Ohio State University

  • DDS, University of Zulia

David Moreno, D.D.S., M.S. Title Assistant Professor Education ·DDS, University of Zulia, Venezuela,   1996 · Advanced Prosthodontics   Certificate, Ohio State University,   College of Dentistry, 2008 · MS, Ohio State University, College   of Dentistry, 2008 Specialty Prosthodontics Restorative Dentistry


Marlyn Van Cutsem, DT

Lab Assistant

Working for Isabelle at the practice (Liedent) since February 2003 as 

  • Orthodontic chairside assistant

  • Lab assistent

  • Model segmentation

  • Preparing bracket placements

  • Designing & fabricating orthodontic appliances: retainers, aligners, (using Scheu-Dental Biostar), palatal expanders, herbst appliances, (using Lampert D3 welding device)

  • 3D printing: models, splints, indirect bonding trays


Dr. Isabelle Savoye

Savoye Isabelle graduated as a dentist at KU Leuven (Belgium) in 1993. She followed a postgraduate course in orthodontics at KU Leuven in 1997 to obtain the title of Specialist in Orthodontics. She joined the private practice of her husband Reybrouck Wouter who is a general dentist. In 2008 they developed their practice in Liedekerke (Belgium) into a modern, multidisciplinary group practice.In 2013, the card of full digitization was acquired in their group practice with the purchase of an intra-oral mouth scanner. Afterwards they also invested in a dental 3D printer to complete the CAD-CAM circle.

Savoye Isabelle immersed herself further in digital dentistry through self-study. She mainly attends foreign conferences and is a member of the AAO, WFO and EOS. For orthodontists, she provides training on the OrthoAnalyzer software for digital planning and the Appliance Designer that enables CAD design of dental devices. (Key opinion leader for 3shape and 3M).

Savoye Isabelle is a member of the BBNO and also member of the advisory board for Bachelor of oral care.For KU Leuven she is a recognized internship supervisor for the orthodontic training course.


Dr. Daniel Díez

DDS at Univerzi Alcalá de Henares, Spain

  • Master of Medicine and dentistry

  • Certificate in orthodontics at European orthodontic Center Madrid.

  • Affliate assistant  orthodontic professor  at the University of Southern Mississippi .Madrid.

  • Member of the craniofacial deformities center at Ruber international.Madrid 

  • Assistant orthodontist of the maxilo-facial department at Principe de Asturias Hospital.Madrid

  • Director of  the ortodontic postgradute program  of University of Southern Mississippi  .

  • National and international  orthodontic lectures and publications

  • Member of the Word Federetaion of Orthodontics (WFO), American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), Spanish  orthodontic association (SEDO).


Darko Slovša, dr. sc.

Was born on February 972 in Zagreb, Croatia. Graduated School of Dental Medicine in Berlin (Benjamin Franklin) on January 27, 1999. From 1999 to 2007 worked in several hospitals and clinics in Germany. In 2005 passed specialist exam in oral surgery (Stuttgart Katharinenhospital) and in 2006 completed doctorate Magna cum laude.

2007 - 2011 - Head of surgery at the Rident Polyclinic in Rijeka

In 2011 founded his own dental clinic Poliklinika Smile d.o.o. which today has 4 dentists and specializes in the most complex procedures in implantology and oral surgery. Acquired license for independent work in Croatia, Italy and Slovenia, with all the associated nostrifications. Regularly participate in numerous national and international congresses and symposia and regularly hold trainings in the field of implantology and oral surgery with live operations.

Member of numerous associations and academies. From additional training to mention: diploma from the European Academy of Acupuncture, Member of the Bone Management Network, block grafting according protocol of Khoury, title "Master of Oral Medicine in the Implantology" (MoM, University of Münster).

Successfully placed more than 20,000 implants

The focus of implantology was on solving complicated and risky cases (bone deficiency, risk patients, bone management), Sinus Lift surgery, all possible techniques of ridge augmentation and bone grafts (3D Augmentation, GBR, bone blocks grafts, ridge splitting), as well as solving soft tissue problems ( different transplant techniques) and obtaining favorable mucosal conditions. Through all these techniques he was able to raise the success rate in implantology to 99.4%!

Specialization fields: Oral Surgery, Implantology

Expertise Topics: Immediacy, Digital Solutions, Biomaterials, Short Implants, Guided Surgery, Practice Management, Bone Management, SInus Lift, Khoury Technique. 


Matej Kuliš, dr. dent. med.

2007 – 2013; Study of dentistry at School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

2013; Graduated as DMD (as one of best students in class) and gained title Dr. med. dent.

2014 – 2015; Practice at private practice clinic as Dr. med. dent., Zagreb, Croatia

2015 – 2018; Work at private practice clinic as Dr. med. dent., Ljubljana, Slovenia

2015 – 2018; Prosthodontic resident, Prosthodontics specialised training program at University clinic Zagreb

2017 – present; Master degree of science of Oral Implantology at School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb

2018 – graduated as Prosthodontist specialist at University clinic Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

2019 – present; Work at private practice clinics as Prosthodontist specialist, Ljubljana, Slovenija

2016 – present; Appointed as Key opinion leader and leader of hands-on courses for commercial brands : 

  • 3M ESPE, 2016-2021 

  • Bego implant systems, 2019-present 

  • Komet, 2020-present 

  • VPI cervico, 2021-present 

  • Ivoclar Vivadet 2022-present 

2017 – present; Lecturer at national and international courses and congresses;

2019 – first award for poster presentation at Quintessence international congress, Zagreb, Croatia, October 2019

2019 – lecturer for GlaxoSmithKline commercial brands (Sensodyne, Paradontax); aftercare products


Maja Ovsenik, dr. dent. dent.

She received her dental and orthodontic education at the Medical Faculty/Division for Dentistry at the University of Ljubljana. She became a specialist in orthodontics in 1998 and recieved her Phd in 2003. She is Chair of the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at the Medical Faculty/University of Ljubljana. In the year 2010 she was President of the European Orthodontic Society. She is the Active member of the Angle Society of Europe.


Jasmina Primožič, dr. dent. med.

She received her dental education at the Medical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2010 she specialized in Orthodontics and completed her PhD in Biomedicine at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Dr Primozic is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Ljubljana and works as an orthodontist at the University Clinical Centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Her main fields of research are: malocclusion assessment methods and epidemiology of malocclusion, longitudinal studies on functional and morphological changes of the orofacial region, early and late orthodontic treatment in unilateral functional crossbite, and Class III malocclusion, mainly using threedimensional non-invasive methods.

She was has been assistant editor of Progress in Orthodontics in the years 2011-2013. She has published in relevant international professional journals and lectured at international meetings and symposia.


Prof. prim. dr. sc. Stjepan Špalj, dr. med. dent., mag. nov. 

Stjepan Špalj graduated and completed master of science at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. Specialized in orthodontics at the Zagreb Clinical Hospital Center. Graduated in journalism at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb. Completed a master's degree in temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain at Frederick the Second University in Naples, Italy. Full professor of orthodontics, oral epidemiology and public health at the Universities of Rijeka, Osijek and Zagreb. Head of postgraduate doctoral studies in Dental Medicine at the University of Rijeka. Principal researcher in three scientific projects, mentor of 11 defended doctorates, co-author of five textbooks and 90 original scientific papers. On Erasmus scholarships and study visits at university clinics in Great Britain (London), Germany (Mainz), Sweden (Göteborg), Norway (Oslo), Belgium (Leuven), Italy (Bologna, Padua, Trieste and Naples), Austria ( Graz), Poland (Krakow), Hungary (Budapest), Bulgaria (Plovdiv) and Slovenia (Ljubljana). Winner of the state award for science in Croatia for 2021. He has been working at the Clinical Hospital Center in Rijeka since 2009, the primarius since 2018, in the period 2017-2021. deputy head and acting head of the Clinic for Dental Medicine.

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Kopilica 62

+385 (0)21 568 – 500
385 (0)21 396 – 811
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43.istarske divizije 20

+385 (0)52 752 – 106
+385 (0)52 720 – 426
45°26’39.7″N 13°31’11.2″E

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